Thursday, June 3, 2010

Entrepreneurialship/Lime Crime

“Sometimes it’s easy to have ideas, but somebody has to find a way to do it. Often those responsible for finding a way don’t have the idea.” – Karl Lagerfeld

while browsing around the net this morning, i came across Doe Deere Blogazine (if you haven't heard of this already, its written by the girl that started Lime Crime cosmetics).  she had some wonderful advice on how to become an entrepreneur.  these are some of the things she said:

1. Find your niche and act on it!
2. Be ready to make decisions-big and small.
3. Continue to innovate and try new things.
4. Be prepared to take risks in every aspect of your life.
5. Persevere as things get tough (which they will at some point).

pretty good advice huh?

on another note, i am really interested in trying out some of Lime Crime's lipsticks.  the colors are so vibrant and quirky that its really hard to resist.  these are the colors i am trying to choose between:

top row: Centrifuchsia, Airborne Unicorn
middle row: Countessa Fluorescent, Great Pink Planet
bottom row: Cosmopop, D'lilac

purple lipstick? psh. why not?! fun stuff kiddos. :)

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